Some notes I made about this topic from tonight's meeting:
At the beginning of tonight's meeting there was a work session interviewing applicants for the interim appointment as Town Council Member representing District 4. The only person who was there for the interview was Bob Thibeault. Bob is a former and recent TC member from D4. Bob had his interview in front of the public. No other applicants were interviewed.
Later, during the meeting under Item H.1, Councilman Hyde made a motion to appoint David Florio as Council Member to represent District 4. There was no 2nd to the motion, so it could not be voted on. Council President Pomfret made a motion to appoint Robert Thibeault as a Council Member to represent District 4. Seconded by Councilman Cloutier. The vote was Councilmen Pomfret and Cloutier in favor, Councilman Colaluca against and Council Hyde abstaining, so the motion failed. There were no other motions made, so for now there are just four Council members.