Friday, September 26, 2008

News Article - DEM, CONE Agreement

From the projo:

Thanks to DEM and the developer for getting this agreement done. Kudos to Jeff Hakanson and Ron Gizzarelli of Tiogue Lake Assocation. They worked tirelessly for at least 10 years on this issue. Thanks to them, the residents living on Tiogue Lake, its tributaries and the neighborhoods between CONE and the lake may finally get some relief from siltation and flooding events they have had to endure.

The town of Coventry is not an official part of this agreement, but they will need to cooperate with DEM and the developer to control water levels at Tiogue Lake as mitigation work proceeds. The neighbors living along Tiogue Lake/Harrington Cove, Little Tiogue Lake, Ropewalk Pond, Lake George and the brooks running to & from them may be asked to to allow the developer access across their properties to the streams and lakes so sediment can be removed and they can be cleaned up.

********** I have this agreement saved as a pdf file. Anyone who would like a copy of the consent agreement can contact me at and I will send it to you.