Monday, May 11, 2009

Clarification from Coumcil Member

Forwarding an e-mail from TC Vice Pres. Laura Flanagan that clarifies her previous memo on proposing a zero property tax increase.


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take a moment and provide clarity to a point raised in the below e-mail. My e-mail is not intended to imply, nor should it be construed to mean, that the Superintendent concurs with my opinion, but is to say that I have had the opportunity to ask questions of him in person, and have taken his views into account, as well as the views of many others, before formulating an opinion. I am convinced that we all share a common goal… the desire for an excellent educational system for our children, provided at the most cost effective/efficient manner.

That said, I remain convinced that a 3% reduction in the School Budget (level funding) could be accomplished with a minimal impact on children’s programs. As I mentioned, it would involve “sacrifice”. I arrive at that opinion, in large part, due to the knowledge that the increase in this year’s budget is primarily due to salaries and benefits. Despite all of the rumors and speculation you may hear, I do not believe that level funding will destroy Coventry’s educational system if we create efficiency and seek some amount of sacrifice!

I continue to be interested in the thoughts of all Coventry taxpayers as to an increase in our property tax levy, as we draw nearer to the adoption of a FY 09-10 Budget and I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Warmest regards,

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