Friday, June 27, 2008

KCT Article - Coventry ditches Route 102 rezone plan

Thank you Chairman Crossman and PC members for holding a successful public hearing

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ucoming Meetings

Town Council Monday June 23:

School Committee Tuesday June 24:

Planning Commission Wednesday June 25:

Agenda item number 8 is --
Review and critique the Comprehensive Community Plan update in
accordance with RIGL 45-22.2-8."

I hope you folks from "western" can attend and let town officials know what you want your part of Coventry to look like 5, 10, 20 years from now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

News Article on FTM - Budget Approved

The meeting started at 7:00 pm and it was over by 7:50. And it wasn't too hot in the auditorium, either.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3rd Public Hearing On Comprehensive Plan was Cancelled

There was a lack of a quorum:

Russell Crossman, Chairman - Present
Scott Nelson, Vice Chairman - Absent
George Caldow - Present
Paul Daggett - Absent
Cynthia Fagan - Present
David Florio - Absent
Ron Flynn - Present
Josh Nunes - Absent
Jason Osenkowski - Absent

There needs to be 5 members to constitute a quorum; only 4 were present. The meeting was cancelled at 7:30 pm with no business conducted. The public hearing on proposed changes to our Comprehensive Community Plan has been re-scheduled to the Planning Commission's Wednesday, June 25th. It will probably be one of several agenda items for that evening.

Thanks to all of the residents from western and central Cov (thanks PORA members) for coming tonight. I hope you will plan on attending the 6/25 meeting. Spread the word so more folks from western can be there next time.