Monday, July 28, 2008

TC Meeting 07/28/08 Notes

Brief notes from tonight's meeting:

Full Agenda:

Items of interest: EXECUTIVE SESSION R.I.G.L. 42-46-5 (a) (1) Pertaining to Personnel
• Interviews for School Committee. The interviews were done in the public.

WORK SESSION -- Charter Review Committee recommendations -- I came to the meeting late and missed nearly all discussion.

12. Resolution adopting Charter Review recommendations - The TC voted 5-0 to approve the 11 or 12 proposed amendments to our charter. I was not able to obtain a copy of the amendments; hopefully the town will make them available at its web site.

I. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution appointing member to serve on School Committee -- The TC voted 4-1 to appoint Michael Reeves to the open seat for District 5.

4. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 24, Lot 125 (The Woods at Red Brook) from Residential 20 to R-20 (Planned Development) -- The public hearing was opened but then immediately continued to the 08/25/08 TC meeting. Counsel for the applicant wanted to ensure that proper notice to abutters is sent out that meets the requirements of existing law.

5. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 55, Lot 77 (Anthony Mill) from Industrial 2 Residential with Mill Conversion District/floating zone. Sorry, I left before this public hearing began. Saving this historic building via a conversion to housing has the potential to be a good thing if done within the context of our existing land use ordinances.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meetings Scheduled for This Coming Week

Town Council July 28:

TC meeting -- Items of interest:

R.I.G.L. 42-46-5 (a) (1)
Pertaining to Personnel
• Interviews for School Committee

• Charter Review Committee recommendations

12. Resolution adopting Charter Review recommendations

1. Resolution appointing member to serve on School Committee

4. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 24, Lot 125 (The Woods at Red Brook) from Residential 20 to R-20 (Planned Development)
5. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 55, Lot 77 (Anthony Mill) from Industrial 2 Residential with Mill Conversion District/floating zone

School Committee July 29:

Sewer Assessment Review Board July 29:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Coventry Seafood Building -- GONE

Another piece of our heritage was taken away from us yesterday. Was it really necessary to tear down a 136 year old building that had historical significance? I guess we'll have to wait and see how much of a net increase in tax revenue this ends up producing. And even if that happens in this case, the ends did not justify the means.

It was alarming to me that the issuance of the demolition permit and the actual razing activity all happened in the same day. In my opinion, we need an ordinance that provides for a review process whenever it is proposed to tear down any habitational, mercantile, commercial or institutional structure that is 50 years old or older. A process that allows for input by historical organizations and the public.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Demolition Issue

I disagree with the idea that "progress" has to mean that viable, historic buildings must be eradicated and replaced with new mercantile/commercial buildings that look like they could be from anywhere in America. If the purpose of tearing down the Coventry Seafood building is to expand the parking lot for the shopping plaza next door, that certainly is not going to bring in more tax revenue. Structures like this, that define our sense of place, are what make our town unique.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Coventry must hold special election, solicitor advises

Thank you town officials for allowing the voters of District 5 to choose a new School Committee member (at least we can choose for the period Nov. '08 to Nov. 2010). Here is the link to Projo article:

Monday, July 7, 2008

RI Ironman 70.3 Competition in Coventry

This coming Sunday morning, July 13th, the Amica Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island is coming to Coventry. Actually, it is coming through our town. There are about 2,000 people who signed up for this event, are we ready for it?

The swim takes place in Narragansett, the cycling route comes through Coventry starting at Exit 7, north through Arnold Rd. to Sandy Bottom to Washington St. and north through Knotty Oak Rd. and into Scituate. The run part will be held in Providence. The event starts at 6 am at Roger Wheeler Beach, so the bike riders should be in town beginning after 8:30 am or so.

Here is the link to course maps:

So, pull up a lawn chair at the Arnold Road causeway or at the CVS Clock Park at Tiogue Ave. @ Sandy Bottom and cheer on the participants.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008