Brief notes from tonight's meeting:
Full Agenda:
Items of interest: EXECUTIVE SESSION R.I.G.L. 42-46-5 (a) (1) Pertaining to Personnel
• Interviews for School Committee. The interviews were done in the public.
WORK SESSION -- Charter Review Committee recommendations -- I came to the meeting late and missed nearly all discussion.
12. Resolution adopting Charter Review recommendations - The TC voted 5-0 to approve the 11 or 12 proposed amendments to our charter. I was not able to obtain a copy of the amendments; hopefully the town will make them available at its web site.
I. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution appointing member to serve on School Committee -- The TC voted 4-1 to appoint Michael Reeves to the open seat for District 5.
4. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 24, Lot 125 (The Woods at Red Brook) from Residential 20 to R-20 (Planned Development) -- The public hearing was opened but then immediately continued to the 08/25/08 TC meeting. Counsel for the applicant wanted to ensure that proper notice to abutters is sent out that meets the requirements of existing law.
5. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance and Map, Assessor’s Plat 55, Lot 77 (Anthony Mill) from Industrial 2 Residential with Mill Conversion District/floating zone. Sorry, I left before this public hearing began. Saving this historic building via a conversion to housing has the potential to be a good thing if done within the context of our existing land use ordinances.