Notes from Planning Commission Meeting of 04/09/08, 6:00 pm
Held at Town Council Chambers
Subject: Proposed update to our Comprehensive Community Plan.
Overview given by consultant Tony Lacawicz (not sure of last name spelling).
State law requires an update to a town’s comp plan every 5 years. Coventry initially approved its first comp plan 03/22/1999. There have been minor adjustments to the plan since then but this is the first major update. I glanced through the proposed revised comp plan book and there many, many changes in the text and maps so these notes only touch on the changes envisioned.
Mr. Lacawicz stated that his presentation would only touch on the major recommendations being made to the comp plan. He and his partner were hired by the town to work with the Planning Dept. on the update. It has taken two years to complete the project.
As a part of his work, the consultant interviewed the Town Manager, all dept. heads, local school officials, local boards & commissions, the various fire district leaders, Kent County Water, West Warwick Regional Sewer District, RI Economic Development, DEM and DOT.
The updated plan uses year 2000 census data and other federal and state data bases. There are 27 updated maps.
Proposed Significant Changes:
If you live in “Western” please note item 1:
1. Change the land use designation of the area on Route 102 from Harkney Hill Road south the West Greenwich border from rural residential to BUSINESS PARK. There was some discussion among Planning Commission members about why this change is being proposed. State officials told the consultant and Planning that they see the Route 102 corridor as a future growth area. Looking ahead 20 to 30 years in the future it is thought this part of town may be a good spot for business development. Questions arose about whether the recommendation should be for a Village Business District instead of a BP designation.
2. The town needs to devise a policy that integrates water supply management with land use and economic development so growth doesn’t outstrip the availability of water.
3. Add inclusionary zones – giving a density bonus to developers who add an affordable housing component to residential projects.
4. Recommend change in land use at businesses abutting CONE on Arnold Rd. and Hopkins Hill Road from general business to BUSINESS PARK.
5. South Main Street – Village Business District along the entire area.
6. Mill Conversion Zones – change the zoning to all of the old mills in town.
The process of amending our comp plan:
1) Agreement on changes to be made and recommendations by the Planning Commission to the Town Council.
2) Hopefully, some work sessions by Town Council, but a public hearing must be held on proposed changes to the comp plan.
3) Once the town approves the update, it gets sent to the state for review. This review process may take up to a year. This state review procedure does not preclude the town from implementing the revised comp plan.
4) What could also happen is that the town could change the zoning in areas that the comp plan calls for changing. State law requires the town to change zoning to match its comp plan within 18 months of adopting the comp plan. No penalty for not following the law, but the town exposes itself to litigation by not making the appropriate changes.
The public hearing was continued to Tuesday, June 3rd, 7:00 pm at Town Council chambers. If you live in Western and are concerned about the proposed land use changes along Route 102 you should contact your Town Council member immediately and also plan on attending the 06/03/08 PC public hearing. If you voice your comments, questions and concerns now the proposed changes might not happen. If you do nothing, these changes could definitely be made.