Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meetings this week

Town Council Jan. 25

School Committee Jan. 26

Planning Commission - Jan. 27 regular monthly meeting

Planning Commission - Jan. 28 special meeting regarding Sherwood Village

Charter Review Commission - Jan. 28
As of 01/14/10 this meeting has not yet been posted on the Secretary of State website

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sherwood Village Public Hearing Planning Meeting Jan. 13‏

Hi All

Just wanted to make you aware of a Planning Commission meeting next Wednesday that has the following agenda item:

Wednesday January 13th 7:00 PM


Comprehensive Permit/Master Plan: “Sherwood Village”; Sherwood Development, LLC

Proposed 192 Multi-family Units Consisting of 8 Buildings with 24
Dwelling Units (on 8.2 acres - WA) Each with 25% Deemed to be Affordable

AP 16, Lot 3; Zone R-20
New London Turnpike

The location of the proposed development is at the corner of New London Turnpike and Tiffany Road. The current zone is R-20 which means each house must be on a lot that has at least 20,000 sq. ft of land. As it stands right now no more than 17 single family homes can be built at this site. Because this is a development that contains so-called "affordable housing" it has "fast track" status whereby instead of having to obtain a zoning variance from the Town Council, they can go directly to and possibly get approval from the Planning Commission to build the 192 living units on 8.2 acres instead of 17 single family homes.

Here is the link to the actual agenda:

If you live on the Turnpike or Tiffany Road or nearby of even you have a home on Tiogue Lake I suggest that you attend this meeting. This is a "Master Plan" public hearing which basically is the only chance you will have to speak out on this project. If the public does not come out and voice their comments, questions or concerns then the Planning Commission could possibly approve the development as proposed that night.

The meeting takes place on Wednesday, Jan. 13th at 7 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 1670 Flat River Road.
> A copy of the plans are available at the Department of Planning, Town Hall Annex, 1675 Flat River Road.
> If you cannot attend the meeting, please write a letter or send an e-mail ASAP stating you cannot attend the meeting and that you would like your statement to be part of the record. Send it to:

> Paul Sprague, Director of Planning and Development
Town of Coventry
> 1675 Flat River Road
> Coventry, RI 02816
> RE: Sherwood Village

Paul's e-mail address is