Friday, November 28, 2008
American Civics Test
From the website: "Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans (who were surveyed by ISA - WA) taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%."
I got 27 out of 33 questions correct. How did you do?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
If the Pilgrims could be moved to offer thanks under the most trying of circumstances, we may also pause to do the same even during difficult economic times. I am thankful for Rhode Islanders who give everyday without counting the cost: parents, teachers, small business owners, caregivers, and the countless other individuals who exhibit Rhode Island's true spirit.
I hope that Thanksgiving Day will be a time for all of us to count our blessings and to give in return. The Pilgrims' giving of thanks was also an expression of confidence in the future: that adversity would be overcome, that want would give way to plenty, that hardship would yield prosperity. Let our observance of this natonal holiday find us no less dedicated to a brighter future for all Rhode Islanders.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Donald L. Carcieri
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Inauguration Tomorrow Night
Philippians 2, 3-4 (New Revised Standard Version)
Please attend tomorrow night's swearing in ceremony for Town Council and School Committee members.
Also, School Committee meeting Tuesday 11/25:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The bitter fruits of R.I.’s tilted elections
Monday, November 17, 2008
TC appoints Two to Planning Commission
Outgoing council adds to planning committee
Thursday, 13 November 2008
COVENTRY—As a parting gesture on Monday night, the current Coventry Town Council made two appointments to the Planning Commission.
Ignoring requests from council members-elect Laura Flanagan (R-Dist. 2) and Raymond Spear (R-Dist. 1) that the current council forgo making the appointments in favor of letting the new council handle them when it was seated, current Council President Justin Pomfret (D-Dist. 1) nominated George Colwell (correct spelling is Caldow - WA) and Michael Baird to the seats on the planning committee. The two nominations were seconded by Anthony Colaluca (D-Dist. 2) and passed on a vote of 3-1 with Kenneth Cloutier (R-Dist. 5) dissenting.
Prior to the appointment, Spear requested that the council focus on the consent agenda and items that needed immediate attention and leave the appointments and resolutions to the incoming council. When the council began considering the appointments, Flanagan made the request again, through a point of order. “I will consider your comments,” Pomfret said, before making the nominations.
There was no argument about the appointment of Colwell (Caldow), but Flanagan said she disapproves of Baird’s appointment.
“In my opinion, that appointment was not in the best interest of the taxpayers,” she said. “The electorate spoke last week — there was no immediate reason to make an appointment to the planning board, there is nothing urgent that is pending and it clearly should have waited until next week,” Flanagan said.
At the meeting, Republican Town Committee Chairman Charles Vacca said he was concerned about appointing a developer to the planning commission. Hyde indicated he was surprised the incoming council reacted so strongly against Baird’s appointment.
“Mike Baird is a Republican,” he said. “It sounded to me like a good way to make a non-partisan appointment, to put a Republican on when we were going to have a Republican-dominated council.”
If Baird has conflicts because of his work as a developer, “he’ll have to address that on an individual case by case level,” Hyde said. “But the fact that you have a Republican on the planning board once again shows our non-partisan approach to try to work together and the fact that he’s a developer means that he can bring another perspective to the planning board that’s never been spoken about. He’s had to come before the board before — I would think that would be an asset.”
Baird’s experience was the reason he supported his appointment, Colaluca said. “He’s been in town for a while, he has a lot of business and planning experience and I feel that he’s more qualified than some of the members on the board that have less experience,” said Colaluca. Pomfret could not be reached for comment.
As for allegations leveled by those opposing his appointment that Baird had multiple planning violations in past years, Associate Planner Jacob Peabody said he could not comment. As a member of the commission, Peabody said, Baird would not be able to sit on any discussions or make decisions concerning his own developments.
Town Planner Paul Sprague could not be reached for comment. Local developer John Assalone said he was very disappointed in the council for this appointment. “To my best knowledge, Baird is one of the greatest zoning violators and continued violators in the Town of Coventry in recent history,” Assalone said.
Although he supports the sitting council, Assalone said, this action was inappropriate. “This was done to take a shot at the new town council and stick this town with someone who is going to sit and judge others with planning concerns when he is one of the greatest violators that have ever been. This is wrong, unseemly, and sleazy and I am completely disappointed in that action,” he said. Assalone alleged that Baird has a court date on Friday for zoning violations, and said the council should suspend Baird’s appointment until he is in complete compliance with the town. “You have time to undo what you’ve done,” Assalone said to the sitting council. (I don't recall John being at the Council meeting that night -WA) “For the good of the thousands of people in this community, for the planning of Coventry, this man should be removed instead of leaving it to the new council.” He did not apply to be on the planning commission for his own interests, Baird said.
“I submitted an application like everyone else and [the council] called me up and told me to be at the meeting,” he said. “What throws me for the loop is the fact that I’ve been running on a Republican ticket for the past 41 years of my life but I wasn’t welcomed very well by the incoming Republican council.”
He is in complete compliance with the town, Baird says, and the Friday court date mentioned by Assalone involves a controversy with Nicholas Gorham — and has nothing to do with planning violations. He already has an injunction against Assalone for previous harassment issues, Baird added. “When I build something, I go by proper channels,” he said. “If I make a mistake, I fall under the same guidelines as anyone else — I’m not asking for special treatment. I asked to be on this board because I think that there should be small businessmen on the boards in this town and right now I don’t think we have anyone.”
As a member of the commission, Baird said, he hopes he can “help speed the processes up so that it doesn’t make things harder for small businessmen. I will help in any way I can, I will put my best foot forward. I don’t build without permits; I do not operate illegal businesses. There are things that need to be fixed in this town and I want to help to fix them. I am a ‘get it done’ guy — and anyone who knows me knows that. If they’re afraid of me, it’s because they’re afraid to get things done.”
He does not intend to play favorites while on the commission, Baird said.
“Everybody in this town should get a fair shake and that’s one of the things that I’m interested in doing. I want to make the town of Coventry look more like Kittery, Maine, than the mess that it is now. I just want to help,” he said.
Also, here is the Projo's article on this issue:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Upcoming Meetings
Board of Tax Assessment Review 11/17/08:
Planning Commission 11/19/08:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Meetings next Week; Election Certification
School Committee November 12th:
Board of Canvassers November 14th:
I first thought that the council members were going to be sworn in on Monday the 10th, but the BOC must first officially certify results of the election, which is supposed to happen next Wednesday.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Results
Congratulations to the newly elected/re-elected officials. The election is over, time to focus on the challenges we face - all of us together. I continue to urge residents to attend meetings; we need to hear your comments, concerns and questions.
To all of our town & school employees -- if anyone sees or becomes aware of theft, damage or destruction of paper or electronic town records, please report it immediately to the Coventry or State Police. Thank you.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A Sure Thing
Check comments of 10/30/08 post
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Election Preview -- Lisa Tomasso, Joel Johnson, Charter Questions, Etc.

I am writing to endorse independent candidate Lisa Tomasso for School Committee in District 5. Lisa is an effective and tireless advocate for our schools, having served as a PTA president, sixth grade liaison, and on the School Capital Improvement Study Team.
In addition to her unwavering support of our schools, Lisa was also the former Program Director of the Literacy Volunteers of Kent County. She has worked and interacted with the Superintendent of Schools, School Committee members, teachers, parents, and most importantly, our children.
What makes Lisa such a unique candidate is that she has also been a volunteer in Coventry classrooms for over seven years. She has worked alongside teachers, other school staff, and other parent volunteers to improve the quality of education for our children. She knows our schools from the inside-out; and she knows what works and what needs to be improved. This is the unique perspective that Lisa will bring to the School Committee.
Having served on the Coventry Town Council, I know what skills and abilities are needed to make a difference. In my opinion, Lisa has the experience, dedication and vision to successfully serve on the School Committee. Please consider supporting Lisa with your vote on November 4th.
Robert J. Thibeault Jr.
Former Town Councilman, District 4
My comments - Lisa has my full support as well. She is confident and knowledgeable of school issues. I saw her at one of the public meetings held by two Town Council members about the failed bond issues in 2006 which included a bond to fix roofs of several schools and bring some buildings into compliance with current fire codes. Lisa asked several well thought out questions. More recently, she attended the TC public meeting about the proposed Town Charter changes. Again, she asked pointed questions of the Charter Review chairman and she kept asking until she got answers. Lisa will bring a different perspective to the School Committee; she will ask the hard questions, she will listen to our own tough questions. I believe Lisa will be the agent of change the SC needs right now. I ask the voters of District 5 to support her on November 4th.

A few months ago I was very happy to learn that Joel Johnson was running for the Town Council seat in District 3. I can’t think of anyone more suited to being on the Council. He is someone of character, is well qualified and doesn’t have a personal agenda. I have known Joel for about 30 years and can attest to his character. Much of his career has been in municipal government. He started out as an Administrative Aide to former Coventry Town Manager Ron Owens in the late 1970s. Then he spent 18 years working for the City of Newport as an Administrative Assistant, Research & Budget Analyst, City Treasurer and Director of Finance. He even served as that city’s acting City Manager for a short time in the mid-1990s. Joel doesn’t have any plans to help himself, his friends or special interests; he is committed to serving the people of District 3 and the entire town. Joel’s temperament, municipal experience and willingness to put the town first make him well qualified for public office. He is the obvious choice for Town Council. I ask the voters in District 3 to show their support for Joel by voting for him on November 4th. Feel free to visit Joel's website:
Thanks to the town for putting up this link to the sample ballot:
Here are my recommendations on these proposed Charter changes.
Ballot questions #1 and #2 are State of RI items.
Ballot question #3 Board of Canvassers and Registration/Redistricting - APPROVE
Ballot question #4 School Committee – Filling Vacancy - REJECT
Ballot question #5 Town Manager – Qualifications - REJECT
Ballot question #6 Probate Court – Substitution - REJECT
Ballot question #7 Financial Provision – Referendum Amount - REJECT
Ballot question #8, Dept. of Finance – Qualifications - REJECT
Here are some of my notes from the Sept. 10th TC meeting relating to the charter questions, along with my additional comments.
“#3. Redistricting – relating to Article II, Section 2.05 At the request of the Coventry Board of Canvassers, the Charter Review Commission recommended a charter change to provide for redrawing of district boundary lines every four years —within a year of the gubernatorial election — instead of every two years, as it currently stands. “The board of canvassers’ chairman [Francis J. Perry Jr.] said it was a real difficult thing to do it every two years,” Capaldi said. “A lot of times it doesn’t change a lot in two years; in every four years there may be a change.”
My notes – Per Mr. Perry of the Board of Canvassers, the current time requirement for boundary changes is every two years. Mr. P said that this creates problems for certain voters who live near district boundaries, since each election many people are moved to a different district and then back again the following election. It appears that by approving this amendment, voters would remain in a given district for at least four consecutive years. If approved by the voters, this amendment would take effect on 01/01/2009.
10/31/08 Comments -- this makes sense; it would provide a little more certainty where to vote for residents who reside on district borders. APPROVE.
“#4. School Committee – relating to Article IV, Section 4.03The commission recommended the charter be changed such that, if a vacancy occurs on the school committee 12 or fewer months before the next regular election, the vacancy will be filled for the unexpired term by the town council. The current limit for the council to appoint to fill a vacancy on the school committee is six or fewer months before the next election.” The board of canvassers said this would make more sense to have a long period of time instead of a short period of time,” Capaldi said. “It’s less costly than running another election.”
My notes – Some reasons given for this proposed amendment were to lessen confusion among the voters, to give candidates more time to run for office and this move might also lessen the need and hence the cost of a special election.
10/31/08 Comments -- Expanding the time to allow an appointment to an otherwise elected position infringes on my right to vote, and is unacceptable. REJECT.
“#5. Town Manager – relating to Article V, Section 5.01 The current charter requires a candidate for town manager to hold, at minimum, a master’s degree in business administration from an accredited college or university and to have spent at least three years as the manager of some city, town, or county; or, that the candidate have a minimum degree in public administration from an accredited college or university with special preference to actual experience in respect to the duties of the office. The commission recommended allowing consideration of town manager candidates who have Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees and at least three years experience in administration, not specifically management, in some city, town, or county.” I cannot remember who suggested it,” Capaldi said. “But I personally am in favor of changing — not lessening — the standards, but giving the council more leeway in selection. It’s wise to have a degree [requirement] that is more open — [a candidate] still needs the experience in town government, but it gives the council more freedom.”
My notes – I asked if the standards were being lowered, and the answer was yes. Current standard is a master’s degree in public administration is required; the new standard is a Bachelor of Arts degree plus at least 3 years experience in city, town or county government or a minimum degree in public administration. The reasoning here is that lowering the standards would enlarge the pool of possible candidates for the Town Manager position. I was surprised that the proposed new requirements did not state 3 years experience in city, town or county government AS A MANAGER OR ADMINISTRATOR.
Here is a link to 11/01/08 projo article on this subject:
From the article: "...voters will be asked to change the charter to allow hiring someone with ANY type of bachelor’s degree and at least three years of ANY municipal job experience." That's exactly my problem with this proposed amendment.
10/31/08 Comments -- This amendment is unacceptable in its present form. There may be a need to amend qualifications for the Town Manager position to enlarge the pool of candidates, but there needs to be some requirement of experience as a municipal TM or Administrator. Suggest that the next TC start a new Charter Review board to revisit this area. REJECT.
“#6. Probate court – relating to Article VI, Section 6.04This change would allow the probate judge to be represented in his absence by the municipal court judge as well as the town solicitor, Capaldi said. The charter currently limits the duties to the town solicitor.”
My notes – there weren’t many questions about this proposed amendment. The handout I obtained at the meeting states “Shall Article VI Section 6.04 of the Town Charter be amended to state that in the absence, disability or disqualification of the judge, the duties of the judge shall be performed by the Town Solicitor or Municipal Court Judge?” I should have asked why it this amendment was necessary. If the judge can’t make a meeting, couldn’t the item on that day’s agenda just be move to the next meeting when the judge was in attendance? If the judge were to be absent for a long period of time, couldn’t the Town Council just appoint a replacement? Couldn’t the TC appoint two persons to act as probate court judges concurrently to address the absence issue?
10/31/08 Comments -- I'm not sure this amendment is necessary. There are too many unanswered questions and not enough information for the public to make an informed decision. REJECT.
“#7. Financial Provision – relating to Article VIII, Section 8.18The commission suggested a change to the charter such that amendments to the capital or operating budgets that raise them by $175,000 would require all-day referendums. Currently, amendments that raise or lower the budgets by $100,000 require a referendum — an amount that is not as large as it was in 1972 when the charter was passed, Capaldi said. The recommended change also includes a clause that would adjust the amount requiring a referendum yearly according to the change in the Consumer Price Index.”
My notes – I asked why the amount that would require an all-day referendum is being tied to an automatic index like the Consumer Price Index. Mr. C said that the $100,000 is a low amount by today’s standards (I agree) and that a higher amount makes sense (I agree). The Charter Commission thought that a COLA adjustment for automatically increasing the referendum threshold would make sense. I don’t favor any automatic increases; this should be an item that should be reviewed and conscious deliberation taken by future charter review boards.
10/31/08 Comments -- I agree that the $100K should be increased, but I am against any automatic increase/annual COLA adjustment. Local government should not be on automatic pilot. Suggest that the next TC start a new Charter Review board to revisit this area, perhaps amend the charter to allow for an increase now with provision that the TC review every 5 years and adjust via ordinance. REJECT.
"#8. Director of Finance Qualifications – relating to Article X, Section 10.02 and Section 10.11 The recommended changes in this section were put forth by Moffitt, Capaldi said. One relates to the director of finance and the other to the town treasurer. Under the proposed change, the director of finance shall have knowledge of municipal accounting, finance, taxation, budgeting, financial control and investments and shall have a minimum of a bachelor of arts or science degree in a financial area of study. The charter does not currently mention knowledge of investments or state a degree requirement.” Since the town manager depends on the finance director, the finance director should have some experience in that area — the position should require knowledge in investments,” Capaldi said. “These requirements [are] a little stricter.” The treasurer, under the proposed change, must have a minimum of a bachelor of arts or science degree in the financial area of study. The charter does not currently state a degree requirement for the position of town treasurer, saying only “The town treasurer shall have knowledge of accounting and shall have had experience in budgeting and financial control.”
My notes -- I asked if the current employees in these positions would be grandfathered. Neither the Charter Review Commission chairman, nor the Town Manager nor the Town Solicitor could give a definitive answer.
10/31/08 Comments -- There was no assurance at the public meeting that current employees would be grandfathered, would keep their positions. For that reason I find this amendment to be unacceptable. REJECT.
3. Go to this website before you vote (kudos to Duck for the link)
You may not agree with everything that's on the site but there is a lot of information to mull over. We definitely need wholesale change in RI.
4. Please continue to check the Duck's blog this week:
Before you vote on Nov. 4, please ask yourself these questions (borrowed from President Reagan) "Are you better off than you were two years ago?" and "Is our state better off then it was two years ago?" If the answer to either of these is "no", then please vote for all new people at the Federal, State and Local level to represent you. We need some new faces and fresh ideas in the US Senate, US Congress, State government and on our Town Council & School Committee. Remember, in a democracy the people get the government they deserve. I think we deserve better, so vote for change.
Will continue to update this post until 11/04 post so please check in again soon.